About cats

Kitten names
Kitten names are a symbol of your favorite feline. There are literally countless kitten names to choose from and you can only choose one to last a lifetime. This may seem like a daunting task but with our intelligently organized kitten names database we will help you find great kitten names choices in minutes. Kitten names speak not only for your kitten but also say a lot about you. Remember the last few kitten names you heard? Think about why those kitten names stand out in your memory. Did they describe something special, perhaps a personality, look, ethnic background? Picking the perfect name gives you the opportunity to express yourself and show just how creative and clever you are!
Read more about cat names, Please click on the link below:

Choosing a name for your beautiful new kitten or cat can be difficult – especially if you want an interesting name or one that has particular meaning.
Try to avoid choosing a long name, as it is likely to be abbreviated. Consider how the name would be shortened and whether you like the shortened form.

Here are some popular names that may help you. Scroll down the list and take your time. Your cat will thank you.

Cent Imp Popcorn  Chalk Iris Precious Chesspiece Itsy Raisin
Chiclet Itty Bitty Kitty Rhode Island  Kerouac  Kerry  Kesa
Kesakin  Keta  Khatt  Ki  Kiana  Kidino
Kieri  Kikki  Kilkenny  Ultra   Ultrasonic    Ulysses   Uma   Umar
Umay   Umber   Umberto  Umbrella   Ump   Umpire
Una   Uncle   Unconscious   Undercover   Underdog   Underfoot
Underground   Underwood   Undo   Unger   Unice   Unicorn
Union   Unique   Unite  Unity   Unser   Untouchables
Upbeat   Update   Uphill  Upi   Upkeep   Uproar
Upshot   Upstart   Uptight  Uranus   Urban   Urbana
Urchin   Urena   Urey   Uri   Uriah
Wallace  Walter Wally WeeOne Wellard  Whiskers  Whiskey Whitney Will Willard

Kitten food

You can offer your kitten either dry food, canned food, or both. Be sure to choose food which is designed for kittens. They require a diet which is especially rich in protein, calcium, and other nutrients. Cat food that is for adults is not sufficient. Your young cat will need the enhanced kitten food until he or she is a year old. Young kittens need to eat every few hours, because their tummies are so small. I like to feed them canned food several times a day but also have a bowl of dry food available for them to munch on whenever they wish.
Here are some valuable information for cat owners

Cat food affects your pet’s life, not just during those few moments when she’s eating, but for every hour of every day. Cat food regulates the healthy growth of her fur, the supple movement of her joints, the function of her kidneys and other internal organs-even the length of her lifespan.

Choosing the best cat food is one of the first and most important decisions you will make for your cat. Feeding good quality food will enhance your cat’s health and longevity. There are dozens of types and brands to choose from, and trying to choose the right cat food can be overwhelming. Here are some tips to help you choose the best food for your cat!

Kittens, especially, will sleep for most of the day and when they awake, they will play wildly. cat sleep is necessary for regeneration of energy, growth and well being. Kittens undergo rapid growth spurts and their sleep is as vital as their nutrition during this important time.

Sleep is a vital part of a cat’s life. Proper attention to the sleeping needs of your cat will ensure that he grows, develops and matures in a satisfactory manner.

While the cat mating motor is always revving, the queen only ovulates when in season.  In nature, females come into season during the winter solstice, as daylight and temperatures increase, giving birth 60 to 65 days later when food is most abundant. In controlled cat colonies, with 14 hours of light, 10 hours of darkness and constant temperatures, female cats will breed year-round.

The queen is able to bear young as early as 7 months of age and is fertile until 7 to 9 years of age. She will go into heat multiple times during the breeding season from January or February to October or November.

What makes cats unique among companion animals is that once in season, or heat, they are induced to release eggs from the ovary by the physical act of mating.  This is called reflex ovulation and is nature’s way of making sure that sperm and egg are most likely to meet.  This is also why queens stay in heat (estrus) for 2 to 19 days.

To survive in nature, it is necessary for cats to mate multiple times by the same or different partners. In fact, studies show that cats that copulate once get pregnant only 50 percent of the time.


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